Boycott will end when ties improve, says Anwar

KL-London row ————-
MALAYSIAN Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said yesterday that the ban on British companies was not indefinite and would be lifted when ties between the two countries improved.

“We stated our position in a limited way. We did not say that it was going to be a permanent feature,” he told a press conference at the end of a two-day visit to Singapore.

He said that it was not possible to confirm when the ban would be lifted.

“There is no timeframe or commitment given. When things improve we will be able to review the situation.”

Malaysia on Feb 25 announced an immediate ban on British firms from bidding for government contracts following reports in the British media of alleged corruption among Malaysian leaders.

Datuk Anwar said the British press adopted a patronising attitude towards Malaysia over the affair.

“Every contract we sign with the British will create problems for the Malaysian government and people because we would be seen as corrupt,” he lamented.

“We are the victims.”

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