Wayne Curtis (Curt) Weldon represented the Seventh District of Pennsylvania after having served as Chairman of Delaware County Council and Mayor of Marcus Hook. Weldon has also served as an educator and executive at the Home Office of INA/CIGNA – one of the largest financial and insurance services corporations in the world.
Weldon has taken leadership roles on a wide variety of issues, ranging from national security to research and technology to energy and the environment. As a 20-year Member and Vice Chairman the of House Armed Services Committee, Weldon served as Chairman of the Research & Development and Procurement Sub-Committees as well as Vice Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. Weldon’s responsibilities included the oversight of tens of billions of research dollars allocated through dozens of the largest military, Department of Energy and civilian research laboratories and institutions.
Weldon’s legislative successes included leading the restoration of the V-22 Osprey Program after cancellation by the Secretary of Defense, creation of the National Oceans Partnership Program, creation of the Gilmore Commission after the 93 WTC bombing, conceiving and creating the Congressional Fire & EMS Caucus and Institute, enactment of the US National Missile Defense System, mandating military dual use technology for civilian first responders, using private sector corporations to take over military housing and creating the First Responder Grant Programs that have appropriated $12 Billion to local First Responder Organizations.
Weldon led the effort to require Defense Research Agencies to commercialize technology whenever possible and supported legislation that required government agencies to focus on small business technology through the SBIR Program (Small Business Innovative Research).
He led 60+ bi-partisan Congressional Delegations to 100+ countries in support of peace and stability including North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, China and India among others. Weldon authored Strategic Relationship Agreements and created bi-lateral Parliamentary Dialogue Initiatives for the United States Congress with Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Romania and Serbia. Weldon’s ‘New Time – New Beginning’ 48 page Strategic Plan including research and technology was endorsed by Senators Biden, Lugar, Levin, Sanders, Blunt, Wicker, Thune and Capito as well as one-third of the House and Vice President Mike Pence.
Weldon organized and led the International Energy Advisory Council that included Global Energy CEO’s, created and led the Oceans Security Initiative and Caucus and created and led the SMART (Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region Through Technology) Caucus unifying research, technology and political cooperation in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland).
Raised youngest of nine in a blue collar community Weldon led the successful fight against one of America’s largest motorcycle gangs while serving as local volunteer Fire Chief and then was elected Mayor of his hometown having been nominated by both political parties.
Since leaving Congress Weldon has served as Chief Strategic Advisor to a large Investment Fund, Board Member on several IT Security Firms and currently sits on the Board of the Mistras Group as well as pro bono on several non-profit NGO’s. Weldon continues to advise emerging technology companies focused on IT Security, Health Care and Medical Technology, Energy Innovation and EMP (Electromagnetic Protection). Weldon also created and Chairs several initiatives designed to support First Responders worldwide.
Weldon has an AAS Degree in Fire Protection/Risk Management, a BA in Russian Studies and Political Science, Honorary Doctorate Degrees in Public Service from Drexel, Widener, West Chester, Neuman and the Technical University of Budapest. Weldon is one of the only elected US officials inducted into the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences as well as the Eurasian Club of Economic Scientists and is a Board Member of the Dubai Royal Club. Weldon has been recognized with 100+ Awards and Commendations and is a frequent speaker at International Forums.