Three countries targeted in attack plan


Three terrorist hit squads – codenamed Jibril, the Arabic transliteration of Gabriel the archangel – agreed on simultaneous attacks in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. This is what they planned, as detailed in a 15-page document entitled Jihad.

Operation in Asia

SINGAPORE Team: Jibril-1 Members: Abbas Yahya, Zaenal Muttaqien and Muhammad Furqon
Explosives: C-4
Target: US embassy
Date: Dec 4, 1200 hrs
Funding: Jemaah Islamiah Philippines Operations:

* Leave Solo for Batam on Oct 30.
* Be met by “Jawadi” who will ferry them to Jaya island near Sabah where they stay for a week to falsify passports for entry to Singapore.
* In place by Nov 7 to survey target.
* Safe house to be arranged by Agus Sahlan and Fathur Rohman will have all the logistics and equipment to hand.
* If operations fail, team must escape via Batam with the help of Jaswadi.

MALAYSIA Team: Jibril-2 Members: Abdul Talib, Zulfikar, Zulkarnaen Subairi. Explosives: C-4 Target: US embassy in KL
Date: Dec 4, 1200 hrs Funding: Jemaah Islamiah Malaysia Operations:

* Leave Solo on Nov 1 for Surabaya. To be ferried by shipping vessel Duta for Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan.
* To be met in Banjarmasin by “Ariansyah” who will arrange for passports and journey to Malaysia via Pontianak in West Kalimantan.
* Travel to Johor where they meet Abdussalam Bin Abu Thalib who is responsible for all operational needs.
* Survey target between Nov 5-10.
* To escape via Pontianak if plan fails.

INDONESIA Team: Jibril-3 Members: Fajri Al Farizi, Mohammad Yunus, Mohammad Ikram. Explosives: C-4 Target: US embassy in Jakarta
Date: Dec 4 Operations:

* To exploit momentum of anti-American demonstrations in Jakarta.
* Try to engineer unrest in outer areas – Aceh, Medan, Palembang, Riau, Lampung, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, South and North Sulawesi, Maluku islands and Irian Jaya.
* US embassy bombing to be followed by attacks on German, British, Dutch and Singapore diplomatic missions. Also planned attacks on State Secretariat, foreign and local banks, shopping malls and train station.
* Operational needs to be met by Imam Ghazali.

Posted in Indonesia