Musician to quit if Golkar wins

POP musician Harry Roesli has pledged to quit his profession if the ruling Golkar party came into power again.

Roesli, who by coincidence is a cousin of President B.J. Habibie, said recently that he was sceptical that anything linked to the New Order regime could mend its ways in a relatively short time.

He should know, after having been tortured and jailed for his involvement in student demonstrations in 1974.

“I was hit in the head. The scars are still there as a souvenir,” he told The Jakarta Post.

“They urinated on me and electrocuted me.”

He was also sceptical that Golkar would be reformist.

“I don’t believe a prostitute can be straight again in one or two days,” he said.

“If the status quo group wins, I’ll quit as a musician.”

Posted in Indonesia